Supporters' Board Members

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos?

1998, As a four year old, 1st game was Boxing Day 1998 when Wendell Sailor debuted in a draw against Halifax

Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos?
Too many to choose from, but Ryan Hall scoring THAT try against Huddersfield has to be up there.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley stadium?

Has to be those two-pint pots and getting a Wilsons pie

When did you start supporting leeds rhinos? 

Early 2000s

Describe your favourite moment you’ve had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos? 

Watching the team of 2015 lifting the grand final trophy at Old Trafford to complete the treble.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley stadium?

Everything! The pub before the game, banter with friends & of course the game itself!

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos?

As a young child, too long a go to say!!

Describe your favourite moment you’ve had whilst supporting Rhinos?

Being part of the Rugby Leaguer Community, supporting the Rob Burrow and JJB testimonial, selling raffle tickets and seeing the incredible generosity of people. Experiencing every minute of that extraordinary game.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley stadium?

As much as I love watching the actual games, I really enjoy the anticipation in the ground leading up to kick off. Catching up with friends, sharing views on the upcoming game.

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos? 


Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting Rhinos? 

Watching John Atkinson score a try in Leeds Wembley win against Widnes in 1977.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley stadium?

Meeting my friends and family and watching the game together, the atmosphere and the noise and tension created by the crowd.

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos? 

Initially in the 1980’s through to the present day.

Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos? 

Standing in the away end at Huddersfield on that September night in 2015 when Ryan Hall collected the through kick from Danny Maguire in the last seconds of the last match of the regular season to score and bring us the League Leaders Shield and as one the whole end of the ground went up in the air in celebration. The other that also sticks in my mind is my eldest son, Jack, being plucked out of the crowd at Odsal to be a stand in mascot for the game and seeing him run out with Kevin and Robbie.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley stadium?

I am one of the volunteers who meet and greet the fans on match day. I’m usually outside the ticket office helping fans find their way into the match. It’s great to meet fans from all clubs and countries – as far away as Australia and New Zealand as well as near to home. I’ve met some lifelong friends being a volunteer and it’s good to meet up with them for a pint, a natter and a great game of rugby league!

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos?

First game – Leeds v Carlisle, October 12th 1982

Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos?

I have two:

  • Watching the team throughout the treble winning season of 2015 – a brilliant team at their peak.
  • The Rob Burrow/James Jones Buchanan Testimonial match against the Bradford Bulls on January 12th, 2020. An emotional occasion that demonstrated that the Rhinos are more than just a club.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley stadium?

Friday night, end of the working week, lovely summer weather, a cold beer, big crowd, great atmosphere, a fast/dry track and a win for the Rhinos. What more do you want?!

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos?


Describe your favourite moment you’ve had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos?

There are so many memorable moments and it’s very difficult to pick an overarching ‘favourite’, The Grand Finals, the Play-Offs, The Treble, the World Club Challenges, the Magic Weekends are all noted for their reasons but for me the most ‘special’ moment for me was back in 2018 – my brother was very ill and battling Cancer and we played Hull KR at Elland Road whilst Headingley was being redeveloped; It would have been too cold for my brother to be sat in the stands, the club got us a box at Elland Road for the match and the family all managed to get together and watch the game – it was a very special night as my Dad, my two brothers and nieces and nephews all gathered… sadly, 3 weeks later my brother passed away and the memory of us all at the rugby for that one last time is something that I’ll never forget.

JJB’s testimonial and fundraiser for Rob back in 2020 is also a game that I’ll never forget – the way that the sport came together that afternoon will stay with me forever.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at  Headingley Stadium?

The atmosphere, the apprehension, the feeling of togetherness, the smells of the burger van and the bright flood lights, but the big thing for me is seeing my friends. I have met some of my bestest and closest friends through this club, we have shared so much over the years from heartbreak and disappointment to success and jubilation and those experiences really define you as a person and as a friendship group.

When did you start supporting leeds rhinos? 


Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting leeds rhinos 

Too many to choose from, but a highlight was helping out at the 2020 testimonial/fund raiser for Jamie Jones Buchanan and Rob Burrow, an amazing day.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley stadium? 

South Stand atmosphere

When did you start supporting leeds rhinos? 

Too long to remember.

Describe your favourite moment you’ve had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos? 

The Challenge Cup wins are obviously up there, but seeing Headingley into the world class venue we have today is certainly one of my favourite moments.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley Stadium? 

The fans from different backgrounds, areas of the city and further afield who come together as one big family on match day.

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos? 

Early 1990s

Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos? 

Being at the 2007 grand final when we beat St Helens. A fantastic day out with great friends and What a Result!

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley stadium? 

The atmosphere, stadium and the Leeds fans make every home game special

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos?


Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos?

My favourite moments supporting Leeds have to be watching us beat Bradford Bulls in the 2004 Grand Final and also seeing Ryan Hall’s late try against Huddersfield to win the League Leaders Shield.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds rhinos match day at Headingley Stadium?

Meeting up with my mates enjoying a few drinks on a Friday night and the atmosphere generated from the crowd.

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos?


Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos?

Being with the Rhinos fans when Ryan Hall scored that try in 2015 to win the League Leaders Shield.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley Stadium?

The atmosphere in the South Stand

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos?


Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos?

There’s been a few, Ryan Halls try in 2015 is an obvious choice. As is the JJB and Rob Burrow game in January 2020 which was a great occasion for the club and the game as a whole, but I’d say the 1999 Challenge Cup Final. It’d been so long between cup wins that it meant so much for the club and the fans.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley Stadium? 

Watching the games alongside friends who I've gotten to know over the years, that and my role as a matchday volunteer helping fans of Leeds and other clubs find their way around the ground and helping them have as good a matchday experience as possible.

When did you start supporting Leeds Rhinos?

The Water Splash Final. (yes I am that old!)

Describe your favourite moment you've had whilst supporting Leeds Rhinos?

There are so many moments that to pick one is difficult. From the obstruction try and the missed conversion in 1968; being in a bar in Greece with Wigan supporting teacher from Wigan watching us beat them 70 – 0, through to Kevin Sinfield putting through a 40/20 in the playoff semi-final against St Helens. However, as my favourite player was John Atkinson I would have to choose the two tries he scored at Wembley in the 1977 & 78 cup finals. I was at both of them in more or less the same place, and he scored both right in front of me. If I had to pick one, it would be the one he scored in 1978 against Widnes – you can find it on You Tube.

What is your favourite thing about a Leeds Rhinos match day at Headingley Stadium?

For the past few seasons, I have been the ‘Caught at the Match’ photographer. Taking photographs on match days for the club has been both a joy and a privilege and  I have taken thousands of photographs of fans. One of my proudest moments was when the club used some of my photographs as part of a montage film to celebrate the old South Stand’s final match. My brief has always been to focus (literally) on our young supporters, in the crowd, bringing in the players and playing rugby at half time. I love playing the clown with the people I photograph before the game – and have made a lot of friends as a result. However, the thing I love most is taking photos of the  Youth Rugby at half time: watching the commitment and skills of the young players – knowing that one of them could be the next Kevin Sinfield or  Courtney Hill; witnessing the dedication of mums and dads standing on the sidelines or acting as coaches; and seeing the support the club gives to the next generation of match officials.

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