16 Nov 2023

Holroyd to be awarded famous ten shirt

It has been quite a year for Leeds Rhinos prop Tom Holroyd. After two injury-ravaged years, he made 24 appearances for Rohan Smith's side in 2023, earning his England debut against France in the mid-season international and now he caps the year off by being awarded the Leeds Rhinos number 10 shirt for 2024. 

Commenting on being awarded the famous number 10 squad number, the 22 year old Siddal product said, “It is an honour with the men who have gone before me, I will be proud to have that number on my back and the badge on the front. I like to think I am on an upward trajectory in my career, building into what will hopefully be a really good year for myself and the team.”

Holroyd says one man, in particular, stands out to him who has previously worn the ten squad number. He added, “Jamie Peacock is the player who really sticks out on my memory in that ten shirt. He made history in that shirt and left his legacy on the club, I hope to mirror that and create my own path so I can leave my own legacy on the shirt.”

Holroyd has been back in pre-season training for two weeks already and he says the atmosphere has been good with new signings Brodie Croft, Andy Ackers and Kieran Hudson fitting in well with their new team mates. He added, “I am enjoying it, this is a good time of the year for myself, when I am hitting the milestones and getting ready for the season. I always get excited about the opportunity that might come. The new lads are settling in well, they are willing to work hard and that is all you can ask at this time of year. Kieran is a big lad, he is good pro and I am enjoying working with him and seeing how he gets on this season.”

You can get Holroyd and 10 on your new look 2024 Principal or Alternative Shirt now for just £10. Click here to order yours now. 

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